Tasty Congee & Noodle

11:00 – 22:00 Mon – Sun and Public Holidays
Back when he was in Guangzhou, Mr. Ho Chiu Hung was already famous for his wantun noodles. In 1946, “Ho Hung Kee Wantun Noodles Shop” was then established in Hong Kong. From its humble beginnings as a roadside food stall, ‘Ho Hung Kee’ became an established restaurant on one of the busiest streets in Hong Kong. Mr. Ho Koon Ming succeeded his father’s trade in 1984. He carries on Ho Hung Kee’s pursuit for noodle perfection and his father’s prominent ideals on wantun noodles. In September 1996, the “Tasty Congee & Noodle Wantun Shop” was founded in Happy Valley in hopes to glorify his father’s dedication and passion for wantun noodles.

A simple, classic Chinese restaurant. Nothing can compare to their wantuns.
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