our app:
Alexandre Zouari

opening hours
10:00 – 21:00 Mon – Sun and Public Holidays
Founded and masterminded by France’s celebrated hairstyle-maker Mr. Alexandre Zouari, luxury hair accessory brand Alexandre Zouari debuted its first collection in 2008. Handcrafted by top-class French & Italian artisans, the brand’s hair accessories create with noble materials from Europe, embellished tastefully with European crystals. Alexandre Zouari boutiques are spanning across Hong Kong, Mainland China, Macau, Singapore & Dubai, bringing a world of glorious hair accessories to the most discerning customers.
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recommended items
Summer Breeze fibre hair band decorated with European crystals
Denim Chic denim fabric bow
Sunshine Flower auto barrette decorated with European crystals
Jewellery Flair ball point hair clip decorated with European crystals
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