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Luxurious suites
featuring hotel-style servicesFor longer-term Hong Kong stays, Four Seasons Place offers luxurious suites featuring hotel-style services. Managed by Four Seasons, you can experience comfort and conveniences such as housekeeping and valet services, 24-hour in-room dining, round-the-clock multilingual concierge and Orientation Specialists. The spacious, elegant rooms are equipped for both business and relaxation. A well-equipped gym opens on to a roof-top pool with stunning views of Victoria Harbour. And within easy reach are the business facilities and renowned Michelin rated restaurants of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong.
- Located in the financial heart of Asia, adjacent to Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong
- Close to major transportation links with retail, dining, entertainment and cultural events
- Breathtaking harbour and mountain views
- Pantry facilities
- Interior by world-renowned designers